- that ideal which all great, mighty, and noble men seek.
In this statement the most important aspect is that in order to be great,
mighty, and noble one must seek to attain perfection, not necessarily obtain
it. By this definition, Thad was a great person. He sought perfection in
scholastic achievements, athletic activities, social acceptance, and spiritual
truths. Although he did not always attain the perfection he desired, he always
sought it. As I recall a few of the conversations I shared with Thad, the fact
that he always had a goal impressed me. Whether concerning grades, girls,
sports, or life in general, Thad always had a goal, that lofty goal of perfection,
and he always faced each goal with the unshakable conviction that failure was impossible. I greatly grieve his passing, but in it I believe there is a lesson
to be learned, of only that the continuation of our life is not
guaranteed. Therefore, let us recall and analyze his life
claiming for our own his extraordinary attributes that
his zeal for life should remain and that his search
for perfection should not end with him.
– Rolf Hissom
Friend and Classmate
Written in 1980 for yearbook